Our Resolutions & Ordinances
The City of Newton Council acts upon resolutions and ordinances when necessary. Ordinances are then codified yearly. The difference between the two are that an ordinance is a law made by the municipality and a resolution is passed to provide written documentation of a municipality’s opinion, will or intent and is often limited in duration.
Ordinance 24-01 Approving Amendment to Maximum Setback Zones to Water Wells
Ordinance 24-02 Amend Pay Schedule for the Billing Clerk Department Head
Ordinance 24-03 Ordinance Selling Lit #11 in Five Aprils Crossing to Donna Coad
Ordinance 24-04 Revised Water Well Agreement with St. Thomas
Ordinance 24-05 Amend Section 1-3-16 City Clerk Position – Full Time Position
Ordinance 24-06 Revising Chapter 25 Notices: to remove “President” and replace with “Mayor”
Ordinance 24-07 Amending the Enterprise Zone Territory and Adding Incentives
Ordinance 24-09 Amending Chapter 11 Electric System. Changing Third Tier to 125 kwh
Ordinance 24-10 Appropriation Ordinance Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Ordinance 24-11 Ordinance Vacating an Alley
Ordinance 24-12 Ordinance Vacating an Alley
Ordinance 24-13 Ordinance Vacating Alley
Ordinance 24-14 Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Real Estate in Five Aprils Crossing
Ordinance 24-15 Ordinance Vacating Alley
Resolution 23-01 Support for a State of Illinois Community Block Grant (watermains replaced)
Resolution 23-02 Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code
Resolution 23-03 Closed Session Minutes
Resolution 23-04 Authorize the Destruction of the Audio Recordings of Closed Sessions
Resolution 23-05 MFT Signed Resolution for Maintenance Supplemental
Resolution 23-06 MFT Signed Resolution for Maintenance
Resolution 23-07 Homecoming Parade 2023
Resolution 23-08 Closed Session Minutes
Resolution 23-09 Authorize the Destruction of Audio Recordings of Closed Session
Resolution 23-10 Fall Festival Parade
Resolution 23-11 Resolution Committing Local Funds for Safe Route to Schools Grant
Resolution 23-11B Resolution of Support for Safe Route to Schools Grant
Resolution 23-12 Resolution of Support for a State of Illinois Community Block Grant
Ordinance 23-01 To Annex Josh Kuhl Property at 1407 W. Jourdan
Ordinance 23-02 Ordinance Selling Real Estate (Five Aprils Crossing )Lot 12, Samanas
Ordinance 23-03 Revise the Codebook 2023
Ordinance 23-04A Vacating an Alley – Wade Fire Protection alley between buildings
Ordinance 23-04B Approving Annexation Scanlan Property
Ordinance 23-05 Amend Chapter 11 -1-1 Electric Rates
Ordinance 23-06 Sale of Real Estate (Five Aprils Crossing )Lot 17 to Donna Connor
Ordinance 23-07 Demolition Reimbursement of Dangerous and Dilapidated Buildings
Ordinance 23-08 Condemn an Unsafe and Dangerous Building at 702 Foster St. Newton, Illinois
Ordinance 23-09 Condemn an Unsafe and Dangerous Building at 200 N. Goble St. Newton, IL
Ordinance 23-10 To Convey & Reconveyance of Lots 10 & 12 Real Estate in Five Aprils Crossing
Ordinance 23-11 To Amend Chapter 38-1-4 Wastewater Treatment Rates
Ordinance 23-12 Ordinance for Appropriations 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
Ordinance 23-13 Modify Ordinance No. 23-10
Ordinance 23-14 Amending the Zoning Map
Ordinance 22-XX TIF 1 Amendment Ordinance (TABLED)
Ordinance 23-15 Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 Building Regulations Fees
Ordinance 23-16 Annual Tax Levy Ordinance 2023-2024
Ordinance 23-17 Amend Pay Schedule for the Electric Department Head
Ordinance 23-18 City Ordinance Regarding Illinois Paid Leave For All Workers
Resolution 22-01 SERVICE CONTRACT – UPDATE with Illinois Codification
Resolution 22-02 Closed Session Minutes
Resolution 22-03 Authorize the Destruction of the Audio Recordings of Closed Sessions
Resolution 22-04 MFT Street Maintenance Program
Resolution 22-05 Closed Session Minutes
Resolution 22-06 Authorize the Destruction of audio Recordings of Closed Session
Ordinance 22-01 Amending the Zoning Map CCI to Silk Purse
Ordinance 22-02 Amending the Zoning Map Dr. Wolf (current office) to Family Life Center
Ordinance 22-03 Amend Chapter 38 -1-14- Connection Permit Fees
Ordinance 22-04 Adopt 2015 International Property Maintenance Code
Ordinance 22-05 Ordinance authorizing City purchase of new real estate – Indiana Railroad
Ordinance 22-07 Amend Section 33-4-4 Street Application and Street Cutting
Ordinance 22-08 City Ordinance Adding No Parking Zone – Scott Avenue
Ordinance 22-09 Establishment of New Net Metering Policy with Exhibits
Ordinance 22-10 Amend Section 24-9-3 -Permits -Golf Carts
Ordinance 22-11 Amend Chapter 21 Article II liquor license Class B
Ordinance 22-12 Amend Chapter 21 Article II liquor license fees
Ordinance 22-14 Appropriations Ordinance 2022-2023
Ordinance 22-15 Dept Head extra pay to attend meetings
Ordinance 22-16 Selling Real Estate (Five Aprils Crossing) Lot 10 to Joseph & Janet Sievers
Resolution 21-01 Closed Session Minutes
Resolution 21-02 Authorize the Destruction of the Audio Recordings of Closed Sessions
Resolution 21-03 Resolution Regarding Financing of Griffith Real Estate Purchase
Resolution 21-04 TIF Feasibility and Inducement Resolution
Resolution 21-05 MFT General Maintenance Fund
Resolution 21-06 TIF Amendment-Establishing Time and Place for a Public Hearing
Resolution 21-07 Adopt Updated Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
Resolution 21-08 2021 Fall Festival Parade
Resolution 21-09 Closed Session Minutes
Resolution 21-10 Authorize the Destruction of audio Recordings of Closed Session
Ordinance 21-01 City Ordinance Approving Annexation Tony Haney
Ordinance 21-02 City Ordinance Authorizing Interfund Loan_re_Griffith Real Estate Purchase
Ordinance 21-03 City Ordinance Amending Schedule B to Section 24-3-2 One-Way Streets
Ordinance 21-04 City Ordinance Amend Chapter 21 Article II – Liquor Licenses
Ordinance 21-05 Amend rule and order of city council meetings
Ordinance 21-06 Amend Chapter 21 Article II- Outside sales
Ordinance 21-07 Authorize the Lease of Ground for farming proposes revised
Ordinance 21-08 Appropriations Ordinance 2021-2022
Ordinance 21-09 Amend Chapter 25 – Nuisances – 25-1-3
Ordinance 21-10 Ordinance to sale of real estate by sealed bid (Elda Leonard)
Ordinance 21-11 Amend Chapter 7 Article VII- tattoo fees
Ordinance 21-12 Coronavirus recovery
Ordinance 21-13 Sale of Real Estate by sealed bid in the Five Aprils Outlot (D. Huddlestun)
Resolution 20-01 Closed Session Minutes
Resolution 20-02 Authorize the Destruction of the Audio Recordings of Closed Sessions
Resolution 20-03 Intergovernmental Agreement 911, Sheriff and Police Radios
Resolution 20-04 MFT General Maintenance Fund
Resolution 20-06 Amendment to Fiscal Year 2020 2021 budget
Resolution 20-07 Closed Session Minutes
Resolution 20-08 Authorize the Destruction of the Audio Recordings of Closed Sessions
Resolution 20-09 WWT Resolution to refinance PSB loan 2020
Resolution 20-10 Resolution To Defray City Obligations in the Health Insurance Plan
Ordinance 20-01 Amend Sch B – one way street (Decatur Street)
Ordinance 20-02 Amending the 21-2-7 Class E liquor licenses (add 2 more)
Ordinance 20-03 Amend Chapter 38 -1-14- Connection Permit Fees
Ordinance 20-04 Amend Chapter 38 -1-7- Multiple Unit Rate
Ordinance 20-05 Amend Chapter 11 -1-1 Electric rate
Ordinance 20-06 Amend Chapter 11 -2-1 Para. A-2 – incentive on rates
Ordinance 20-07 Republic Service Chapter 17
Ordinance 20-08 Amend Chapter 21 – Liquor Entertainment & Event Venue and Licenses
Ordinance 20-09 Annexation Agreement with Micheal and Sandy Birch
Ordinance 20-10 Appropriations Ordinance 2020-2021
Ordinance 20-11 Annexation Agreement with Barbara D. Martin and Judith Zumbahlen
Ordinance 20-12 Amend Chapter 12-1-16 – Holiday pay (4 hours) New Years Eve
Ordinance 20-13 Approving Local CURE Program Financial Support
Ordinance 20-14 Amend Salaries for Elected Officials
Ordinance 20-15 Amend Section 22 – Sexual Harassment
Ordinance 20-16 TAX LEVY 2020-2021
Ordinance 20-17 Amend Zoning Map-JCCUD #1, 1401 Clayton Ave.
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