
Welcome to Jasper County Probation

The mission of the Jasper County Probation Department is to serve the Citizens of Jasper County and the Court by providing cost-effective and proven alternatives to incarceration while holding offenders accountable through heightened supervision, sanctions, and accurate assessments. The Department also works towards developing offender competency through balanced and restorative practices.

About Probation

Probation is a court-ordered sanction that allows a person to remain in the community under the supervision of a probation officer. The conditions of this community-based supervision can vary. It could include jail time, fines, restitution, community service, or other sanctions. Probation can also require a predetermined amount of offender reporting to their probation officer. If the person does not follow the rules of their probation, they could go back before the judge and be sent to jail or prison.

The Jasper County Probation Department has developed partnerships with community agencies to implement meaningful and effective intervention/ supervision strategies when dealing with the offender population while acting as a liaison for offenders and community service providers.

As professionals, we will continue to develop our skills through further education and training and commit ourselves to upholding the highest ethical standards in the performance of our professional duties.

Dora Griffith
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