Newton Police Department

Welcome to the Newton Police Department

Welcome to the City of Newton Police Department! Serving our community with integrity, professionalism, and dedication. Your safety is our priority.

Accident Reports may be obtained online through

Click here for instructions on how to use the website.

A Permit must be issued by the Newton City Police Department. Permits shall be granted for a period of one (1) year and may be renewed annually.

The cost of a permit is Sixty Dollars ($60.00). Insurance coverage is required and will be verified in effect by the City Clerk when renewing the permits.

Golf Cart Permit Application


All persons operating a golf cart or neighborhood vehicle on the designed streets of the City of Newton must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Proof of liability insurance.
  2. Must display City decal on front and rear.
  3. Must be inspected by the City Police Chief or designated representative.
  4. Must have a valid Driver’s License.
  5. Must be equipped with seatbelts; a windshield; horn; brakes; turn signals; a steering wheel apparatus; tires; a rear view mirror; red reflectorized warning devices in the front and rear; a slow-moving vehicle emblem (as required of other vehicles in 625 ILCS 5/12-709) on the rear of the vehicle; a headlight that emits a white light visible from a distance of 500 feet from the rear; brake lights and turn signals. When operated on a roadway, a golf cart or a neighborhood vehicle shall have its headlight and tail lamps lighted.
  6. Must obey all traffic laws of the State of Illinois and the City of Newton.
  7. Must be twenty-one (21) years of age or older.
  8. Can be driven on only those streets designated on Exhibit A (All City Streets in the City of Newton, EXCEPT EAST JOURDAN STREET, WEST JOURDAN STREET, AND SOUTH VAN BUREN STREET).
  9. No modification to the suspension of the golf cart or the neighborhood vehicle.
  10. Must not exceed 20 miles per hour.
  11. Crossing of State highway when authorized by the State of Illinois Department of Transportation.
  12. May only operate on City Streets designated on Exhibit A with the exception of authorized crossing of State and County Roads.
  13. May only be operated between the hours of one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. The time of sunrise and/or sunset on any particular day of the year shall be as designated by the National Weather Service for Jasper County, Illinois.
  14. Golf carts and neighborhood vehicles shall not be operated in inclement weather nor when visibility is impaired by weather, smoke, fog, or other conditions, or at any time when there is insufficient light to clearly see persons and vehicles on the roadway at a distance of 500 feet.
  15. A person who drives or is in actual physical control of a golf cart or a neighborhood vehicle on a roadway while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is subject to Section 11-500 through 11-502 of Illinois Compiled Statues (625 ILCS 5/11-500 through 11-502).
  16. Golf carts and neighborhood vehicles may not be operated on sidewalks or other public property not accessible to or authorized to vehicular traffic.
  17. Golf carts and neighborhood vehicles may not be operated on streets and highways and roads under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Transportation (Illinois Route 33 and 130) or the County Highway Department.
  18. Golf carts and neighborhood vehicles may not be operated on State or County Roads except to cross a designated street when authorized by the State of Illinois Department of Transportation or County Highway Department as applicable.
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