Property Taxes
Maintains delinquent property taxes. Check you property tax status, find out how to make a payment, and learn more about the property tax cycle here.
Tax Redemption
If your unpaid taxes have been sold, the Clerk’s Office can provide you with an estimate of the cost of redemption. The Jasper County Clerk ONLY handles delinquent property taxes sold during the annual tax sale. If you have received a notice about your property taxes being late, please pay attention to what office sent the letter. That is who you need to make a payment with. If you have delinquent taxes because you believe your tax bill was sent to the wrong address, update your property tax mailing address with the Supervisor of Assessment’s Office.
If property taxes are not paid by in the year they are due, they become delinquent. Delinquent taxes are sold at the annual tax sale. Property owners that do not pay their current property tax bill within the time frame provided on the bill from the County Treasurer will be subject to additional fees and interest before being sold at the annual tax sale. The Clerk’s Office handles the payment and processing ONCE THE TAXES HAVE BEEN SOLD AT TAX SALE.
Property owners can find the delinquent cost any time by phone, email, or in person. Please have the property index and address available.
Payments must be made in full. Partial payments are not accepted and will not redeem delinquent taxes. The Clerk’s Office can only accept a certified or cashier’s check, money order, or cash. (35ILCS 200/21-355) Do not send cash in the mail. Personal business checks are NOT accepted. Be sure you make your payment to the Jasper County Clerk’s Office. Once payment has been received, the Clerk’s Office will issue a Certificate of Payment or *Certificate of Deposit Redemption*, to document that the delinquent taxes were paid in full. Payment can be in-person at the office or by mail.
There is a tax lien on the property and there is an extensive process that must be followed. The process for delinquent property taxes is 2 years and can be extended up to 3 years in total by the tax buyer. A tax buyer is an individual or corporation that can purchase delinquent taxes at the annual tax sale.
The Process
- The Treasurer’s Office publishes a list of properties (parcels) that are unpaid for that current tax year and will be sold in the upcoming annual tax sale. For example, taxes that were due in 2024 and are not paid after the 2nd payment in 2024 is due the properties (parcels) are listed in the publication for the annual tax sale.
- The Treasurer’s Office is required to see and be granted judgment from the Court for the sale of the taxes on properties (parcels) with one or both of the current year property tax installments unpaid.
- These properties (parcels) are sold at the annual tax sale.
- At the annual tax sale tax buyers purchase the delinquent property taxes (unpaid tax lien on the property). Tax buyer cast bids against one another that lower rather than raise the percentage of penalty to be applied to the specific parcel’s taxes being sold. No penalty bid in excess of 9% shall be accepted. The successful bidder is the one who bids the lowest percentage of interest for the first year the tax buyer owns the delinquent taxes. The tax buyer pays to the Treasurer the amount of taxes, special assessments, interest, and costs due as of the date of tax sale.
- After the annual tax sale, the Clerk’s Office sends the Take Notices from the tax buyers to the property owners. Alerting them to “take notice” that their unpaid tax lien has been purchased. These are sent by certified mail.
- The property owners can redeem (pay) the delinquent tax amount due at the County Clerk’s Office any time after the tax sale.
If the delinquent taxes are not redeemed within 2-3 years from the tax sale, the tax buyer can petition the Court for the deed to the property.
Once they have purchased the delinquent taxes, tax buyers can add interest and late fees that will increase the total the property owner owes. This total must be paid off within 3 years, otherwise ownership of the property will go to the tax buyer. In addition, it is important to remain up to date on the following year(s) property taxes. If a tax buyer owns a property’s delinquent taxes, they can purchase the current year’s taxes quickly after the 2nd installment is due if the current year has not been paid.