
About the Recorder

Official land records manager for the county. The recorder is responsible for recording, archiving, and retrieving a variety of documents.

Document Recording Guidelines

Record documents through the mail or file documents in-person at the County Clerk/Recorder’s Office.

Recording Requirements – Real estate documents (Deeds, mortgages, releases, etc.) presented for recording in the State of Illinois must:

  1. Be on white 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper.
  2. The top 3 x 5 inches on the top right hand side must be blank.
  3. No permanently bound or continuous forms.
  4. No attachments stapled or taped to any pages.
  5. All documents recorded in the State of Illinois must have included within the text a complete name and address of preparer, as well as, a complete name and address of where to return the document.
  6. Documents must have original signatures, and correct payment by check or cash. Along with a self-addressed stamped envelope so the recorded document can be returned.
  7. Deeds: Must also have a complete name and address of where the tax bill is to be sent. All deeds require a State of Illinois PTAX declaration form or letter of exemption which is signed and dated.
  8. Assignments and Releases: Require an associated document number.

All documents received after 3:00 pm will be recorded on the following day.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE JASPER COUNTY BOARD THAT every instrument which purports to affect real property that is hereafter recorded with the Jasper County Clerk/Recorder’s Office must have affixed thereto the parcel identification number for the parcel of real property and a common mailing address the instrument purports to affect and every instrument which is subject to the recording of a PTAX-203 (Real Estate Transfer Declaration) use the Illinois Department of Revenue’s MyDec system, Beginning Jan 1, 2025.


Amy Tarr
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