Vital Records & Licenses


All Births, Deaths, and Marriages that took place in Jasper County are maintained in the County Clerk’s office. In the State of Illinois, vital records were not required to be filed until 1916. Our records go back to that time and beyond. A certified copy is a legal document with both the county and state seals.

Identification Requirements

In order to obtain one of the above records, identification is required. The following acceptable forms of identification:

  • Illinois driver’s license
  • Illinois state identification card
  • Out-of-state driver’s license
  • Out-of-state state identification card
  • US government driver’s license
  • Naturalization certificate
  • US military identification card
  • US immigration card
  • Selective Service card
  • Illinois public aid identification card with medical card
  • FOID card

If none of the above are possible, then we will accept any two of the following:

Social Security card or print-out, voter registration card, W2 form, bank statement (within 90 days), utility bill (within 60 days), vehicle registration card, active insurance policy/medical card (at least one-year-old), checkbook or savings book (showing name and address), photo work identification card, traffic ticket, resident alien card, school identification card.  All documents must be current and valid.

Certificate Requests

Certificate Requests can be provided as certified, raised seal copies of these records to eligible individuals upon request in-person or by mail with payment. Application forms are required to be completed. Indexes are available to the public. The actual record books are not available for public viewing. We issue ONLY certified copies of all vital records. Certificates cannot be faxed or emailed.

A genealogical interest shall be a proper purpose with respect to births which occurred not less than 75 years and deaths which occurred not less than 20 years prior to the date of written request. Where the purpose of the request is a genealogical interest, the custodian shall stamp the certification with the words, FOR GENEALOGIACAL PURPOSES ONLY.

Amy Tarr
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