
Application of Zoning Compliance

The City must insure that all building usage is in compliance with the current City Zoning Ordinance. To view the current zoning map, click here. The Zoning Code can be accessed here.

When a building permit is obtained through the City, the requester must also complete an Application of Zoning Compliance and submit to the Zoning Administrator. The plans for improvements must be approved by the Zoning Administrator before construction can begin. There are two different applications. Be sure to choose the correct one, complete, and submit to City Hall.

Variance in Zoning Code

If you are needing a variance in the zoning code for your property or several properties or would like to apply for a Special Use Permit, utilize the forms and instructions below:


If you would like to report a complaint on a potential violation of the City Zoning Code or file for a Certificate of Non-Conformance, utilize the forms and instructions below:

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