Perry Street Garden

Perry Street Community Garden

Garden plots are located on Decatur Street on the 300 block. Parking is available on the streets located west and east of the garden ( S. Church and Perry St. respectively). The Perry St. (alley) area is preferred and improved. Please keep in mind if it has recently rained it may not be advisable to park close to the plots.

We are happy that you are interested in renting a plot. This booklet will provide you with all the guidelines, the registration form and fees. We hope you have a fantastic gardening season!

The Garden season runs from April 1 to November 1. Illinois’s typical growing season is from April to November, depending on the dates of first and last frost. Participants are granted access to their plot as soon as they have received their plot number confirmation. The ground may not be ready to plant just yet, but you can plan and prepare for the season. All plots will need to be cleared of all plant and non-plant material and returned to a level state by November 1.

Registration is open until all plots have been rented. The plots will be assigned on a first come first serve basis.

For this season we are not designating this garden as “organic”. Please keep in mind that while the use of pesticides is permitted, you need to be mindful of your neighbor’s garden. there are many organic techniques you can use to outsmart the pests and keep your gardening neighbors happy too!

The fee to rent a garden plot covers many service costs, maintenance costs of mowing time, materials of the brochures, and administration fees. This year we are offering one garden plot size 15ft. x 15ft. for $10.00 You may rent as many plots as you wish.

The fee is due with your completed registration and Release of Liability form. Please return the completed forms to City Hall. After turning in your forms and payment you will receive your plot number assignment for the season. Plot number markers are located in the Northwest corner of each plot.

Your $10 fee per plot provides you with a tilled plot and access to water provided by the City of Newton. All equipment and plants must be provided by you. Please not that there are no restrooms available at the garden site. Please remember to use the trash cans provided for any non-organic trash. The sponsors of this garden count on their participants to take responsibility in keeping the garden presentable for everyone. The garden has no handicap accessibility currently available. We may offer this convenience in future seasons. There was some theft of produce in the past years and it is hoped that the community would realize that the plots are rented and maintained by those renters and that all produce is the property of those renters. Please respect their ownership!!

The compost area is located on the South side of the gardening plots. Gardeners may use this area to dispose of any disease-free plant material they may have. When this plant material decays in can be used as compost. Please place plant material as close to the back of the lost as possible.

Should you remove any diseased plant material from your plot please place it in the trash can. It is important to keep the diseased plant material separated from others that will eventually be used on the garden again as compost.

The garden season ends November 1. All gardeners must have their plots cleared of all plant and non-plant material and returned to a level state by November 1. All plant material should go to the designated compost pile and all non-plant material (fencing, wooden structures, stakes, etc.) needs to be completely removed from the garden area by you. All raised beds must be leveled.

The following guidelines were established to not only keep the garden running smoothing and effectively but to assist you in practicing healthy and environmentally sound gardening techniques. As a participant in the garden, you have agreed to abide by these guidelines or are subject to relinquish your plot. It is our hope that you enjoy this gardening season and have a bountiful harvest. Please take a moment to read these guidelines.

  1. Provide your own seeds and plants.
  2. Provide and store your own tools. City of Newton cannot be responsible for lost tools. Water will be provided.
  3. No perennial planting is allowed.
  4. Respect your neighbor’s plot by leaving a mandatory maintained edge around your garden. Leave a 1ft. pathway around all sides of your plot. Keep your garden within your assigned plot area. The borders will allow access for water hoses without trampling plants as well as a clear morning edge for maintenance of the grass paths.
  5. You may erect a fence or any structure within your garden plot, but it is not required. Fences must allow for the mandatory edge outside of the fence. All structures must be taken down at the need of the growing season.
  6. Thin, plastic, mesh netting will not be allowed. Light netting can be blow out of the garden area and a treat to local wildlife in the area. If you have questions regarding your fence please don’t hesitate to ask.
  7. Immediately remove diseased plants and dispose of them in the proper waste area or the trash bins on the property.
  8. Transport disease-free plant material to the compost pile on the south side of the garden. Place only biodegradable materials in the compost site.
  9. Keep pathways clear of tools and debris.
  10. Place all the non-biodegradable material in the trash bins.
  11. At the end of the season all garden, all the gardeners must clear their plots of all structures, fencing, stakes, strings, plant materials, etc. by November 1. This will enable fall tilling.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in the following:

  1. You will receive a warning letter or phone call regarding the area.
  2. You will be given two weeks to correct the issue or contact the Master Gardeners.
  3. After two weeks have passed, your entire plot will be mowed.
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