Voter Registration

Voter Registration

To Vote in Illinois:

  • You must be a United States Citizen.
  • You must be at least 17 years old on or before the date of the Primary Election and turn 18 on or before the date of the General or Consolidated Election (16 year olds may preregister to vote).
  • You must live in your election precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day.
  • You must not be serving a sentence of confinement in any penal institution as a result of a conviction.
  • You may not claim the right to vote anywhere else.

Forms of Identification Needed When Registering to Vote

Two forms of identification with at least one showing your current residence address are needed when you register in-person. If you register by mail, sufficient proof of identity is required by submission of your driver’s license number or State identification card number. If you do not have either of those, verification by the last 4 digits of your social security number, a copy of a current and valid photo identification, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other government document that shows your name and address will be required. A person may also demonstrate sufficient proof of identity by submission of an identification card issued by a college or university accompanied by either a copy of the applicant’s contract or lease for a residence or any postmarked mail delivered to the applicant at their current residence address.

Places to Register to Vote

In Person at the County Clerk’s Office And Online

Register to Vote by Mailing an Application to the Election Office

Under Federal law, citizens may apply to register to vote by mailing in an application. The applications are available at some public and private facilities. Also, applications can be downloaded from the Illinois State Board of Election’s website at: When you apply for registration using the mail-in form, it must be postmarked prior to the close of registration. If you do not provide the necessary identification with your mail-in form, you must vote in-person the first time.

Register to Vote or Update my Voter Registration Online

An individual may register to vote or update their existing voter registration by accessing the home page of the Illinois State Board of Elections website at and selecting “Online Voter Registration.” To use this option, an applicant must provide: (1) the full Illinois driver’s license or State identification number; (2) the last 4 digits of your social security number; and (3) the date the Illinois driver’s license or State identification card was issued.

If any change in your name or address has occurred, please remember to contact your election authority to update your registration. However, even if you forget to update your information, note that “Grace Period Registration and Voting” is available through Election Day in Illinois.

Amy Tarr
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