Jury Duty

Jury Duty

If you have been summoned for Jury Duty and were instructed to call our recorded message Line, that number is 618-783-7822 or toll free at 800-211-6166.

  • All jurors are summoned for service by the Circuit Clerk.
  • An answering machine provides information to respective jurors the evening before service is required by calling (618) 783-7822.

You should arrive promptly at the time indicated on the recorded phone message. If you are not sure what time to arrive, please call the Circuit Clerk’s Office @ (618) 783-2524.

Jurors should dress comfortably, but appropriately for court. Shorts, mini-skirts, tank tops, and halters are NOT permitted. If you report wearing any of these items, you will be asked to return home, at your own expense, to change into more suitable attire.

Yes, you are paid for jury duty. You will receive $25 for the 1st day and $50 for each thereafter plus $1 per mile one way.

Note: upon completion of your service you will receive a check from the County Clerk’s office. These checks are usually sent out on the last day of the month.

No. An employer is NOT required by law to pay employees who are on jury service but many employers do. You should check with your company’s human resources department before serving to see if your company pays your salary for the days you are a juror. If you DO receive your salary while on jury service, you should ask what your employer requires as proof that you served as a juror.

No. According to Illinois law, “… An employer may not deny an employee time off for jury duty. No employer shall discharge, threaten to discharge, intimidate or coerce any employee by reason of the employee’s jury service, or the attendance or scheduled attendance in connection with such service…” 705-ILCS 305/4.1(a).

If you are fired or experience workplace problems based on your participation in jury service, write a letter detailing what occurred to:

Jasper County Circuit Clerk
100 W. Jourdan St.
Newton, IL 62448

After completing jury service, you should NOT be called to serve again for the remainder of the year. If you are summoned again within this time period, please call the Office at (618) 783-2524 to explain. The law does not state that you cannot be asked to serve again, the once-a-year policy is a courtesy that the Jasper County Court System put in place for you. You may be asked to show proof of jury service, so, please retain your check receipts for your records.

Failure to appear for jury service when summoned is a serious matter. You may be held in contempt of court which could result in a fine or other court-imposed penalty. It is in your best interest to appear if you are summoned to avoid any further action.

Every year the Circuit Clerk’s Office of Jasper County receives a Pooled Jury List from the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC). The list is compiled from voter registration, Illinois drivers licenses and I.D., Disability I.D. Card holders and Unemployment Insurance Claimants. Names are randomly selected from the list to receive jury summonses.

To be qualified as a juror you must be: at least 18 yers of age or older, a U.S. citizen and a resident of Jasper County.

If you do not meet ALL of these qualifications, please contact the Circuit Clerk’s Office before the date you are supposed to serve. Please be prepared to support your belief that you are not qualified to serve.

You can be excused from Jury service depending on the circumstances.

Note: Only a Judge can excuse someone from jury duty. The judge who reviews juror requests will make the final decision. If you have a reason you would like to submit for excusal, please send as soon as possible a letter to the Circuit Clerk’s Office stating the reason, and any supporting documents such as a doctors excuse or vacation itinerary etc…, and we will try to accommodate you.

The United States Constitution and the Illinois Constitution guarantee all people, regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, or economic status the right to trial by an impartial jury of one’s peers. In order to uphold this guarantee, we need those summoned to participate in the jury process to ensure every citizen’s right to have their case decided by an impartial jury selected from a representative pool of prospective jurors.

Any person charged with a criminal offense (this may include certain Traffic Violation cases) or any party in a civil case has the right to a trial by jury. All parties are equal before the law and each is given the same fair and impartial treatment.

Your duty as a juror is to weight all the evidence and testimony presented to you and to decide the outcome of the case based upon the law and the evidence. Your decision must be fair, impartial, and free of any bias or prejudice. Jury service is the basis of our judicial system and is essential to the administration of justice.

Once in the courtroom, the judge will have the clerk randomly select a group called a panel. The panel will then begin a process known as voir dire. During voir dire, the judge and possibly the attorneys will ask questions to see if you can keep an open mind and be fair. After you have been questioned, you will either be selected or excused for that particular case. If you are selected, you and the other selected jurors will receive instructions from the judge as to what is expected of you. If you are not selected, you will follow the instructions of the judge and will be told of your future jury requirements.

If you are selected to sit on a jury, you could expect to be here for the full day, although trials may be longer or shorter depending upon the facts of the case.

There are two basic types of cases: criminal (includes some Traffic violations) an civil. The difference between the two is as follows:

In a CRIMINAL case, the jury decides the guild or innocence of the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt.

In a CIVIL case, the jury decide whether or not monetary damages should be awarded, and if given, how much those damages will be.

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