Jasper County Sheriff – Offical Statement Local Thefts
The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating multiple thefts that have occurred in the County. Over the past 7 months 3 ATV’s and 1 Side by Side and 2 trailers were reported stolen. These thefts have all occurred on the East side of the county. I would encourage everyone to take the keys out of all of your vehicles, ATV’s, and Side by Sides. If possible keep your ATV or Side by Side indoors and out of sight, especially at night. The following is a list of stolen items that the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office is currently in search of.
2017 Blue/ White Polaris Ranger LSV 1000
2013 Red Honda Rancher 420
2023 Red Honda Rubicon 520
2007 Green Honda Foreman 500
If anyone has any information regarding the whereabouts of these ATV’s or sees any suspicious activity please contact the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office at 618-783-84 77.
Thank you,
Sheriff Brandon Francis
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