Welcome to Newton's Water Plant
The City of Newton Water Department maintains the potable water system throughout the city. This system consists of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency rated Class B treatment plant, utilizing pressure vessel treatment at a maximum rate of 1.2 million gallons a day; five wells rated over 300 gallons per minute; one 250,000-gallon legged elevated water tower; one 250,000-gallon pedestal elevated water tower, and one 500,000-ground clear well. The distribution system consists of over 35 miles of water main, 227 flushing/fire hydrants, 389 valves, and approximately 1700 service connections.
Water Signup & Deposit
Water service for those residents living within and outside city limits are available through City Hall. Individuals are asked to present an address for services as well as a form of identification. Rental customers and homeowners are required to make a $350.00 or $500.00 deposit. The minimum charge for water service inside city limits is $18.06 per month. The minimum charge for water service outside city limits is $27.10 per month.
Bulk Water
The City of Newton Water Department also offers bulk water loading at the water treatment plant. Anyone can bring their tank and hose with a 2-inch female banjo/camlock coupling, and fill at their convenience. The bulk loader accepts quarters, one-dollar, five-dollar, ten-dollar, and twenty-dollar bills. For after-hours help, the Jasper County Dispatcher should be contacted at 618-783-8477.
Current Water Rates
Inside City Limits
Units | Rate |
2000 | 0.00903 |
8000 | 0.009131 |
10000 | 0.007900 |
10000 | 0.006920 |
9999999 | 0.006246 |
Outside City Limits
Units | Rate |
2000 | 0.013548 |
8000 | 0.013697 |
10000 | 0.011848 |
10000 | 0.010378 |
9999999 | 0.009369 |