Assistant Treasurer – City of Newton

Posted: 09/17/24

Application Period Closes: 10/02/2024

Job Type

Full Time

City of Newton



Newton City Hall
108 N. Van Buren St.
Newton, IL 62448


Job Description:

The City of Newton is now accepting applications for an Assistant Treasurer.  Applications can be obtained and returned to Newton City Hall, located at 108 N. Van Buren St., Newton, Illinois.  Deadline to apply is October 2, 2024.  The City of Newton deems the following requirements and responsibilities essential for the Treasurer’s Office:


High School Diploma or equivalent

Good working knowledge of computers

Good working background in business, accounting, and bookkeeping procedures

Good written and verbal communication skills in dealing with the public

Must live within a 9-mile radius of the city square.


Bank Statements:

Receive monthly bank statements from four banks, reconcile bank statements with check books for accuracy.

Calculate interest for each account in each of the three Money Market Accounts. Prepare monthly utility tax report.

Prepare monthly financial reports for General Fund, Electric, Water, Sewer, City of Newton Health Insurance, Specials (Social Security, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Motor Fuel Tax, Tort Insurance, Workmen’ s Compensation Insurance, Capital Development and TIF) for each Council member.

Record monthly CD interest earned on spread sheet.


Enter all disbursements and receipt s for the General Fund, Health Insurance, Specials, Electric Fund, Water Fund and Sewer Fund into the computer. Within these funds are the following accounts:

Electric Operating A/C; PSB Customer Utility Payment Clearing A/C; First Financial Bank Customer Utility Payment Clearing NC; First National Bank – Dieterich Customer Utility Payment Clearing A/C; First National Bank-Olney Customer Utility Payment Clearing NC; PNC Bank; Utility Deposit/Refund A/C; Electric Transmissions A/C (MISO); Water Operating A/C; Sewer Operating A/C; General Fund, Pool, Payroll, Health Insurance and Specials accounts.

Transfer monies from the four clearing accounts to the Electric NC; Water A/C, Sewer NC; and Utility Deposit/Refund NC according to the breakdown sheets provided to the City Treasurer from the City Collector.

Transfer monies from Operating Accounts to the appropriate money markets.

Write check for refund of deposit when a customer moves after the final utility bill has been deducted.

Record all receipts for each department.


Time sheets are turned in every Tuesday morning.

Calculate hours worked and record on worksheet

Record benefit hours taken and earned

Check time sheet calculations with co-worker for accuracy, enter into computer.

Print paystubs and all related reports for payroll.

Upload direct deposit file to bank.

Stuff and seal paystubs in envelopes for distribution to employees

Enter all new employees into computer making sure all information is entered correctly and computing correctly. Monitor new employee’s six-month pay increases. Prepare a payroll worksheet each pay period for each employee to ensure that all entries entered into the computer are correct. Prepare monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports for Social Security and Medicare, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Police Pension, Federal 941 Deposit and Illinois Withholding Deposit, Illinois State Unemployment Report, Federal W-2′ s, Federal W-3’s, 1099 forms, year End Treasurer ‘s Report, and other reports as necessary.

Accounts Payable:

Second Council Meeting each month, Council approves accounts payable:

Enter in the computer the payables for general fund, electric department, water department and sewer department for payment of monthly accounts payable.

Print checks to vendors, stuff envelopes and prepare for mailing, file statements in appropriate vendor folders.

Print reports.


Maintain a good working knowledge of employee health insurance benefits. Monitor deductible, out of pocket amounts, increases in employee dependent premiums, monitor explanation of benefits for accuracy, fund balance and other related requirements.


Electric Survey for Department of Energy, Washington, D.C.

Calculate the number of customers, kilowatts used for commercial and residential. Calculate the demand for winter months and demand for summer months, forward results to Washington, D. C.

Print financial statements for Council Members

Prepare reports for yearly audit.

Other Duties:

Compile information needed by yearly auditors.

Clean out old files to store in basement, make new files for storing information for coming fiscal year.

Other related duties as required.

Jobs and responsibilities are shared in the City Treasurer’ s office to ensure the office operates smoothly when one or more employees are absent.


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